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Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Warum sich Marie Steiner und Ita Wegman nicht versöhnten

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 07-02-2025, (356) Gerges Christiane (2023): MichaelDienst. S. 213(357) Wendt Gunna (2023): Ita Wegman und Marie Steiner. S. 231(358) a.a.O., S. 232(359) a.a.O., S. 233(3...  » Lees verder

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Geisteswissenschaft TV

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 07-02-2025, Hier alle Infos: https://myablefy.com/s/akademie-zukunft-mensch/spirituelles-christentum-lukas-evangelium-8468cab5 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“:...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Die Christengemeinschaft

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 07-02-2025, 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“: https://info.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/freiheit/gratisyt 📢 Folge mir auch hier… Facebook:...

Fassadenkratzer: Das gigantische Lügen-Konstrukt von den Viren als Krankheitsursache

Fassadenkratzer: 07-02-2025, Dass Viren die Ursache von Infektionskrankheiten seien, ist suggestiv tief in das Bewusstsein der Menschen eingebrannt worden und gilt als wissenschaftliche Selbstverständlichkeit. Mit dieser Theorie konnte Angst und Panik geschürt und künstlich der Anschein einer Pandemie erzeugt werden, in der die Herrschenden in einem totalitären Staatstreich von oben glaubten, den gegenwärtigen...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Workshop spirituelle Gemeinschaftsbildung Der Zauber des umgekehrten Kultus

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 07-02-2025, Spirituelle GemeinschaftsbildungAnthroposophische Gemeinschaftsbildung in Synthese mit der Gemeinschaftsbildung nach Scott Peck Schweiz: https://www.gemeinsc...  » Lees verder

Food for the Soul: Academy Awards Season 2024/25 – Best Actress Contenders

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture ScoutOn March 2, the film industry will be celebrating new movies by bestowing Best Picture, Director, and Actor awards, along with a dozen other accolades to movies screened in 2024. This year’s crop of movies seems to be particularly unimpressive. Apart from a few outstanding contenders like Conclave in Drama and Flow in the Animation category (both previously written up here), there are several other films that...

Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”~ Philip K. DickBy Catherine Austin FittsNow that the Trump Administration has been in charge of the U.S. Executive Branch for two weeks, here is what appears to be underway. Despite the chaotic appearance, the plan being implemented is highly strategic and has been in the planning stages for quite a while. Looking through the fog of Omniwar, here is what the high-speed...

Announcing Episode I of The War for Bankocracy: Unmasking the Hidden Power of Central Banks – A Series by John Titus

By Catherine Austin FittsCentral banks appear to be preparing for a major push to dismantle rule by democratic governments. The chief task in this regard is to free the U.S. Federal Reserve from its constitutional constraints, which prevent the bank from operating in secrecy and beyond the reach of Congress.The Solari Report is pleased to announce a new eight-part series by John Titus of BestEvidence that lays a foundation for understanding the...

Matthew Ehret: Breaking History Ep. 82: World in Review (Trump’s Gaza Gambit and the Real Cause of Canada’s Drug Problem)

Matthew Ehret: 06-02-2025, In this week’s episode of Breaking History, Gordon and I tackle the dynamics behind Trump’s plan to ‘transform the Gaza in a new riviera’… is it ethnic cleansing? Is this the restoration of a new Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem? Or is there possibly a sane agenda behind it? Without settling on any one answer, we float several hypotheses. Additionally, we unpack the recent crackdown on the...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Die Erziehungskunst Waldorfpädagogik

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 05-02-2025, 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“: https://info.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/freiheit/gratisyt 📢 Folge mir auch hier… Facebook:...

Matthew Ehret: Foreign Interference: Five Eyes, NATO and the Ugly Truth of CSIS

Matthew Ehret: 05-02-2025, In light of the increased wave of mass propaganda weaponizing well-meaning but soft minded conservatives against a mixture of Russia, China, Iran and even India, we thought it a wise idea to update and re-issue our film under the title ‘Foreign Interference: Five Eyes, NATO and the Ugly Truth of CSIS’. This 21 minute film is a sequel to the 10 min short video ‘Russia, China or Something Else…...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Die Erziehungskunst Waldorfpädagogik

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 05-02-2025, 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“: https://info.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/freiheit/gratisyt 📢 Folge mir auch hier… Facebook:...

Announcing the Over the Mountain Podcast with Frank Niceley!

Listen to the MP3 audio file “Help us as good soldiers to wield the sword of the Lord and Gideon.”~ Rev. Samuel Doak’s prayer for the Overmountain Men (1780)At Solari, we have long been fans of Frank Niceley and his practical, forward-thinking, never-losing-hope approach to life. We’re proud to be sponsoring the Over the Mountain podcast to share Frank’s wisdom with those tuning in.The podcast will cover a variety of freedom-centric topics, but...

Hero of the Week: February 3, 2025: Lyn Ulbricht

“I am so honored to be interviewing someone that I think should be everyone’s favorite mom, second only to their own. A mom is someone who loves unconditionally, she’s a best friend, a superhuman, and a heart healer. This so much describes Lyn.”~ Introduction to interview with Lyn Ulbricht at LibertyCon 2022 InternationalThis week, as we celebrate the full and unconditional presidential pardon of Ross Ulbricht, we also honor Ross’s mother, Lyn...

Book Review: The End of the World Is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan

“Bottom line: the world we know is eminently fragile. And that’s when it is working to design. Today’s economic landscape isn’t so much dependent upon as it is eminently addicted to American strategic and tactical overwatch. Remove the Americans, and long-haul shipping degrades from being the norm to being the exception. Remove mass consumption due to demographic collapses and the entire economic argument for mass integration collapses. One way...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Der Spaltpilz in der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 04-02-2025, (244) Selg Peter (2018): Ita Wegman. S. 47 f.(245) a.a.O., S. 50(246) a.a.O., S. 52 f.(247) a.a.O., S. 54 (248) Rudolf Steiner (1998): Esoterische Betrachtun...  » Lees verder

Anthroposophische-Meditation: Stuttgart: Fr. 13. bis So. 15. Februar 2026 Verbindung mit dem höheren Selbst – Einführung in anthroposophische Meditation

Anthroposophische-Meditation: 04-02-2025, Seminarep1 media Support2024-12-11T15:13:24+01:00Vorschau 5–7/2025Fr. 09.05. / Sa. 10.05. Die Kabbalistische Lehrtafel und die Chymische Hochzeit Mit Andreas Schleeh, astrologischer Berater und Naturcoach, Bad WildbadFr. 16.05., 17.30–21.30 Uhr Mein Lebensthema erkunden und neue Impulse bekommen Mit Paula Kühne Rendtorff, Biografieberaterin und Dozentin für Philosophie in der...

LiberoPensare.com – Newsletter n. 125 – FEBBRAIO 2025

LiberoPensare.com - Newsletter n. 125 - FEBBRAIO 2025 Onderwerp: LiberoPensare.com - Newsletter n. 125 - FEBBRAIO 2025 Van: "Liberopensare.com" <noreply@liberopensare.com> Datum: 01-02-2025 10:16   Il Maestro e la Stele di Rosetta NEWSLETTER n. 125 ARTICOLI & NEWS di Piero Cammerinesi Sono trascorsi quarantacinque anni da quel terso e freddo mattino romano in cui apprendemmo l'inaspettata e raggelante notizia del passaggio della...

e-zine van Via Libra, nr. 224 – 3 februari 2025

e-zine van Via Libra, nr. 224 - 3 februari 2025 Onderwerp: e-zine van Via Libra, nr. 224 - 3 februari 2025 Van: "info@via-libra.be" <info@via-libra.be> Datum: 03-02-2025 11:17 Via Libra Nieuwsbrief nr. 224 – 3 februari 2025 Beste lezer, Op 30 maart 1925 overleed Rudolf Steiner en dat is binnenkort precies 100 jaar geleden. Naar aanleiding daarvan worden diverse activiteiten in binnen- en buitenland georganiseerd. Zo ook in België en in...

Matthew Ehret: Thinking in Times of Crisis part 2: Dynamics vs Mechanics

Matthew Ehret: 03-02-2025, In this X Space special address to Off-Grid Ireland, I went through a summary exposition of world events, the dangers of a Silicon Valley transhumanist dictatorship, the fallacies of green energy and climate science more generally, and a history of Canada. Follow Off-Grid Ireland hereWelcome everyone to another off-grid Ireland X-Space discussion.Tonight we are joined by Matthew Ehret on our chat this evening. Matthew...

Fassadenkratzer: Nahrung, Pharma und moderne Medizin ein teuflisches Geschäftsmodell

Fassadenkratzer: 03-02-2025, Der Gesundheitszustand der Bevölkerung in der westlichen Welt, insbesondere in den USA, ist katastrophal. Dort leiden 60 % der Erwachsenen und schon 50 % der Kinder an einer chronischen Krankheit. Die amerikanische Ärztin Dr. Casey Means und ihr Bruder, der Lobbyist Calley Means, decken in einem Interview mit Tucker Carlson die erschreckenden systemischen Ursachen auf: ein teuflisches Zusammenspiel von...

Action of the Week: February 3, 2025: Lower Your EMF Burden and Say No to the Internet of Bodies

“This isn’t about cancer or just mRNA. That’s just an acceptable word…to be able to introduce this new concept into the human conversation without too much rejection. This is about the rollout of the [Internet of Bodies]…. The MBAN (medical body area network) is already live…. They just can’t come [out and] say this, so they soft-peddle it with ‘mRNA’ because no one really understands that anyway.”~ Chris Crutchfield (quoted by Josh del Sol)On...

Groundhog Day – February 2, 2025

The American tradition of Groundhog Day sees the nation’s most well-known groundhog take a stance on the season ahead. If he sees his shadow, he predicts six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t, it’s a forecast of an early spring.Groundhog Day’s roots are in the Christian holiday Candlemas, the midway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox. During Candlemas, Christians honored the changing of the seasons and lit candles to predict...

Movie of the Week: February 3, 2025: Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story

“At its core, Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story is about love between man and wife, and man and otter, and for the natural world.”~ Director Charlie Hamilton JamesGarnering multiple nominations and awards, Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story has delighted members of the Solari Team for its portrayal of various forms of love, self-growth, and the cycle of life.The documentary tells the heart-warming true story of Molly, a wild otter, and...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Verena Bosse – Die besondere Wirkung von spirituellen Gemeinschaften

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 02-02-2025, Es ist uns ein Herzensanliegen mit diesem Kanal dazu beizutragen, die Anthroposophie und das Werk von Rudolf Steiner bekannt zu machen. Mit unseren Videos wo...  » Lees verder

Transitieweb: Schrijven en uitgeven voor een vrije wereld

Transitieweb: 02-02-2025, Fred Teunissen en ik hebben een vereniging opgericht voor schrijvers en dichters die bezig zijn met een nieuwe en vooral vrije wereld en zetten hiermee een prachtige traditie voort! Voor de meeste mensen is het onbestaanbaar dat er überhaupt zoiets bestaat als een alternatief voor de samenleving die we nu kennen. Met de oprichting van de vereniging Academy of Happiness willen we het denken over andere...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Rudolf Steiners Auftrag die Strömungen zu verbinden

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 01-02-2025, (1) Schmidt Benjamin (2019): Anna May-Rychter und das Triptychon „Gral“, S. 4(2) a.a.O. S, 8(3) J. Kiersch / A. Wichmann Erlen (2018): Eugenie von Bredow und...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Real Patriots Dont Think Like Hitler – Part 3

Matthew Ehret: 01-02-2025, A typical SS family baptism in WW2. Note the photo of Hitler and Swastika replacing the traditional cross and motifs of JesusIt is strange that many conservative patriots and alt-media influencers have come to believe that Adolf Hitler was a courageous Christian nationalist who should be admired for his resistance to secret societies and Jewish bankers.As I will outline within part 3 of ‘Real Patriots...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Wo beginnt wirkliche Freiheit?

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 01-02-2025, https://www.youtube.com/@MatthiasLangwasserKanal https://partner.regenbogenkreis.de/ https://www.regenbogenkreis.de/ 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“:...

Matthew Ehret: Invitation: Sunday RTF double-header: Peace Roundtable at 11am and East Africa’s economic future with BRICS – 2025-35 at 2pm ET

Matthew Ehret: 31-01-2025, This Sunday February 2, I’ll be hosting two consecutive live events at 11m and 2pm… and you’re invited.The first will be the Academy for International Cooperation’s Peace Roundtable at 11am ET featuring expert geopolitical analysts Jim Jatras, Ed Lozansky, Drago Bosnic and potential another surprise guest who will each deliver their assessment of our crisis-ridden world and the emerging...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Wie sich Rudolf Steiner und Ita Wegman halfen

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 31-01-2025, (230) Zeylmans van Emmichoven (2004): Wer war Ita Wegman. Bd 1, S. 197(231) Steiner Rudolf (1999): Geisteswissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Gedeihen der Landw...  » Lees verder

Music of the Week: January 31, 2025: Friedrich Kuhlau – Trio in G Major

The exceptional flutist Robert Stallman (1946-2019) is our choice for Music of the Week. Stallman was one of the outstanding classical flute players of our time, as well as a prolific music editor and teacher. He was winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the American National Flute Association in 2023 (posthumously).We hear him here with Jean-Pierre Rampal and John Steele Ritter on the piano playing Friedrich Kuhlau’s Trio in G Major live...

Matthew Ehret: Thinking in Times of Crisis part 1: Avoiding Controlled Oppositions

Matthew Ehret: 31-01-2025, In this long form episode of Quantum Nurses, I had the pleasure of Grace Asagra, Roy Coughlin, Uwe Alschner and Drago Bosnic to discuss my recent series of essays outlining the Fabian Society trap of the ‘Keynes vs Hayek’ debate which has contaminated the thinking of liberals and conservatives for the past 90 years and the suppressed traditions of Natural Law that have shaped world history.Follow my work...

Fassadenkratzer: Die moderne Medizin kann retten, bessern aber Krankheiten heilen kann sie nicht

Fassadenkratzer: 31-01-2025, Die Menschheit steht mit der modernen Medizin in einer schweren Krise. Die Reduktion des Bewusstseins auf die rein materielle Seite der Welt mit ihren physikalischen, chemischen Gesetzen hat auch in der Medizin zur Reduktion des Menschenbildes auf einen angeblich nur materiell bedingten Körper geführt, dessen chemische Prozesse mit chemischen Medikamenten behandelt werden. Diese bewirken eine Besserung,...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Das Johannes-Evangelium spirituell entschlüsselt. Teil 1

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 30-01-2025, Das "Johannes Evangelium" alle Infos hier: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/spirituelles-christentum-johannes-evangelium-teil-1/ 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“:...

Matthew Ehret: Multipolar Reality This Week: Color Revolutions and Trump’s first 9 Days

Matthew Ehret: 30-01-2025, After a long-overdue hiatus, I was happy to finally jump back onto Rogue News with V the Guerilla Economist to deliver a broad assessment of color revolutionary operations globally, and Trump’s first 9 days in office. More to come.Or watch on Youtube here, Odyssee here, or Bitchute hereFollow my work on Telegram at: T.me/CanadianPatriotPress  » Lees verder

2025: Chinese Year of the Wood Snake: Wednesday, January 29

January 29 marks the start of the Year of the Snake—in China and other Asian countries, a time for family reunions and festive traditions. The Lunar New Year (also called the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival) is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, so the dates of the celebration change slightly each year.As the Year of the Wood Snake, in particular, 2025 pairs the snake with the wood element, a rare and significant combination that occurs...

Monthly Briefings for State Leaders: Bitcoin Bailout with Tim Caban — Video Presentation Now Available

In 2025, Solari is offering monthly online briefings for state legislators, other elected officials, their staff, and state banking associations to discuss how to protect their state’s ability to transact freely. The January 9 presentation by Catherine and Tim Caban focused on the “Bitcoin Bailout.”We are pleased to present an edited version of that presentation for Solari Report subscribers; to protect the confidentiality of those who...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Schluss mit dem Blindflug – Werde zum Steuermann Deiner Entwicklung! (Vorschau)

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 29-01-2025, Mach mit Weltenwandler Akademie für Persönlichkeitsentwicklung vom 13.-16.4.2025 auf Schloss Hohenfels: https://www.schloss-hohenfels.de/2024/10/03/weltenwan...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: BRICS vs. WEF Exposed: The Hidden War Over Global Power

Matthew Ehret: 29-01-2025, On this episode of Think BRICS, I was asked to pick apart some of the dominant narratives that paint the BRICS+ nations as gatekeepers for the New World Order as outlined in my recent essay ‘BRICS vs WEF: The Clash of Two Green Paradigms’. This deep dive explores the struggle between a multipolar world (BRICS) and a unipolar world (WEF), focusing on energy policies, nuclear energy vs. renewable energy, and...

Fassadenkratzer: Konto-Kündigung der Banken als Waffe gegen alternative Medien

Fassadenkratzer: 29-01-2025, Die zunehmenden Konto-Kündigungen der Banken, die oppositionellen Medien regelrecht die finanzielle Basis für ihre Arbeit entziehen, das „De-Banking“, treten immer mehr in das öffentliche Bewusstsein. Am 17.1.2025 veröffentliche die „Preußische Allgemeine“ darüber einen kritischen Artikel, in dem einige bekannte Journalisten und alternative Medien...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Wie anders ist die Liebe eines Eingeweihten?

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 28-01-2025, (222) Wendt Gunna (2023): Ita Wegman und Marie Steiner. S. 212(223) Selg Peter /Desaules Marc (2014): Die Sozialgestalt der Weihnachtstagung. S. 114(224) Zey...  » Lees verder

Hero of the Week: January 27, 2025: The Palestinian Press Corps

“These are…the words of every single one here, standing here after 459 days of the most well-documented and first live-streamed genocide in history. For these days, we’ve been reporting tirelessly, extensively, and thoroughly on this genocide…. We never stopped—to tell you the truth, to narrate our stories, and to tell you that we are being genocided, to move your dead consciences to help a population that has seen every sort of torture and...

Pushback of the Week: January 27, 2025: West Virginia Executive Order on Vaccine Exemptions

“I think it’s really important that we demonstrate that we have a team in place that’s going to be aggressive, proactive, and we’re going to begin this transformational process to put West Virginia first and be that Shining State in the Mountains.”~ Gov. Patrick MorriseyWithin 24 hours of taking office this month, West Virginia’s new governor Patrick Morrisey—elected as governor after a dozen years as attorney general—signed Executive Order No....

Matthew Ehret: Eleusinian Mysteries, Babylon 2.0 and Edgar Poe (an episode of The Doenut Factory)

Matthew Ehret: 27-01-2025, This week, I popped onto the popular podcast ‘The Doenut Factory’ to discuss my new trilogy of books, which involved some big concepts pertaining to oligarchical systems of control from ancient times to the present, and what healthy well integrated human beings have done about this ugly aberation’s existence throughout history. There’s alot going on in this episode so if you jump into this,...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Du bist gesegnet

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 27-01-2025, 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“: https://info.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/freiheit/gratisyt 📢 Folge mir auch hier… Facebook:...

Fassadenkratzer: Tech-Elite in Silicon Valley lässt ihre Kinder bewusst ohne Technik lernen

Fassadenkratzer: 27-01-2025, Im kalifornischen Silicon Valley, dem Zentrum des digitalen Fortschritts, schreibt Lydia Roeber in einem wichtigen Artikel auf Epoch Times, zögen viele Eltern bewusst für ihren Nachwuchs private Schulen vor, insbesondere die dortige Waldorfschule, die mit wenig oder keinem Computereinsatz arbeiten. Dafür nähmen sie lange Wartezeiten und hohe Schulgebühren in Kauf. Sie seien überzeugt,...

Matthew Ehret: The Lavigne Show: Prorogued Parliament w/ Bruce Pardy & Matt Ehret

Matthew Ehret: 26-01-2025, In this provocative episode of The Lavigne Show, I joined up with Bruce Pardy, a Law Professor turned freedom advocate, and host Jason Lavigne to examine Justin Trudeau’s prorogation of Parliament—a move now challenged by the JCCF. Drawing parallels to the U.K. Supreme Court’s decision against Prime Minister Boris Johnson, we explored whether Canada’s democracy might face similar legal...

Movie of the Week: January 27, 2025: Deep Rising

“The seabed is humanity’s birthright, not a resource for the profit of just a few.”~ Deep Rising websiteAs we witness the accelerating grab for our planet’s land and mineral resources in places like Western North Carolina, and we hear the new president make unsubtle hints about Canada and Greenland, the 2023 documentary Deep Rising calls attention to the “Wild West” race to mine deep seabed mineral resources in international waters.The question...

Music of the Week: January 24, 2025: Suhail Khoury – From Bethlehem to Gaza

This is what students of the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music in Palestine sang to their kin and human brothers and sisters in Gaza this Christmas. What a profound witness to human decency, national pride, personal courage, and the extended hand for possible peace and reconciliation. The song was presented as A Christmas Salute from Bethlehem to Gaza based on music by the renowned musician and cultural ambassador Suhail Khoury. Khoury...

mRNA Vaccine Toxicity by Doctors for COVID Ethics with Afterword by Catherine Austin Fitts

[Note: Doctors for COVID Ethics published this important book in mid-2023 to warn the public about mRNA vaccine technology, and we announced it at that time. Given the recent fanfare about “personalized” mRNA shots, you want to have a serious source on the dangers of this technology at hand.]By Catherine Austin FittsThe Doctors for COVID Ethics (D4CE), a group with which I have been privileged to collaborate, has been warning the public and...

Matthew Ehret: Invitation: Lessons for Saving the Republic featuring Mel K- Sunday Jan 26 at 2pm ET

Matthew Ehret: 25-01-2025, Last Sunday, the new Rising Tide Foundation symposium ‘Lessons for Saving the Republic’ was launched with an impeccable class by Sam Labrier who showcased a broad and extensive sweep of the American System of Political Economy, its origins and how oligarchical efforts to destroy it (both within the USA and abroad) shaped the last 250 years of history. (Sam’s brilliant recorded lecture can be accessed...

Matthew Ehret: Open vs Closed Systems Course: Lecture 1

Matthew Ehret: 25-01-2025, In this first of a 10 part series of lectures for Russia's Nasha Zavtra publishing and the Academy for International Cooperation, I introduce the essentials of Open vs Closed system thinking from its general qualities and specific examples.The outline of the full course is showcased in this first lecture as well.Follow my work on Telegram at: T.me/CanadianPatriotPressMatthew Ehret is the editor-in-chief of The...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Rudolf Steiner, Christian Rosenkreutz und Ita Wegman

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 24-01-2025, (209) Rudolf Steiner und Thomas von Aquino, Basel 1991(210) Steiner Rudolf (1998): Mysteriengestalten. GA 232, S. 173(211) Steiner Rudolf (1991): Die Weltges...  » Lees verder

Fassadenkratzer: Die vielfältigen Angriffe auf unsere Kinder

Fassadenkratzer: 24-01-2025, Für die politisch und wirtschaftlich Herrschenden ist es von größtem Interesse, ihre Herrschaft so weit wie möglich in die Zukunft zu verlängern. Da die Zukunft gewissermaßen bereits in unseren Kindern anwesend ist, kommt es ihnen darauf an, die bildsamen und beeinflussbaren Kinderseelen in ihrem Sinne zu prägen. Über das Bildungssystem, das der Staat an sich gerissen hat,...

Food for the Soul: Matisse’s Windows

Henri Matisse. Interior with Violin, 1918. Oil on canvas. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen. Photo: Wikimedia CommonsBy Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout“Windows have always interested me because they are a passageway between the exterior and the interior.”~ Henri MatisseJanuary 1, 2025 marked the day when images of Henri Matisse’s paintings moved into the public domain. This means that some of his most iconic images will end up on T-shirts and...

Matthew Ehret: Elon Musk and Peter Thiel: Two sides of one Magic Trick (William Ramsey and Matt Ehret Talk)

Matthew Ehret: 23-01-2025, Are Elon Musk and Peter Thiel the billionaire patriots we have been told? Are they just well-meaning Silicon Valley transhumanists with delusions of grandeur? Do they even identify with the human species? Yesterday, the brilliant investigative journalist William Ramsey and I took a deep dive into the abyss of occult psyops ranging from ancient history to our present times. I think by the end of this conversation and I...

Matthew Ehret: Breaking History Ep 80: Trump’s Return and the Geopolitical Impact

Matthew Ehret: 23-01-2025, In this week’s Breaking History, Gordon and I review the first 48 hours of Trump’s presidency within the context of global geopolitical dynamics. Or watch on Youtube here, Odyssee here, or Soundcloud here:d.Follow my work on Telegram at: T.me/CanadianPatriotPressDiscussion about this post  » Lees verder

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Was bietet Dir die Playlist Weltenwandler?

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 22-01-2025, Werde jetzt ein Weltenwandler: https://www.schloss-hohenfels.de/2024/10/03/sozialethik-verband-2/ Es ist uns ein Herzensanliegen mit diesem Kanal dazu beizut...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Real Patriots Don’t Think Like Hitler Part 2

Matthew Ehret: 22-01-2025, Start Here if you’re new to the series.I’ll stop beating around the bush now and just say it: Adolph Hitler or Benito Mussolini were never “their own men”.The machines they led were never fully under their sovereign control and the financing they used as fuel in their effort to dominate the world did not come from the Banks of Italy or Germany. The technologies they used in petrochemicals,...

Fassadenkratzer: Ärztekammern als willfährige Büttel eines Unrechtsystems Brief einer Ärztin

Fassadenkratzer: 22-01-2025, Die Ärztekammer von Schleswig-Holstein beklagt auf Ihrer Webseite die zunehmende Gewalt gegen Ärzte, die nicht nur in Deutschland zu beobachten sei, und startete eine Umfrage bei ihren ca. 20.000 Mitgliedern. Allerdings verschweigt sie politikkonform, den hauptsächlichen Täterkreis zu benennen, der sich aus aggressiven Migranten zusammensetzt, deren grenzenlose Einwanderung die Politik zu...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Der karmische Weg von Ita Wegman

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 21-01-2025, (194) Steiner Rudolf (1991): Esoterische Betrachtungen. GA 237. S. 173(195) Steiner Rudolf (1995): Wie kann die Menschheit den Christus wiederfinden? GA 187,...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Justin Trudeau all used up. Carney Set to take the Stage

Matthew Ehret: 21-01-2025, This week, I joined up with Global Research News Hour to discuss how I forecasted the rise of Mark Carney in 2021 as the inevitable replacement for the highly disposable shell named Justin Trudeau. We review the Canada 2020 Behaviorist Think Tank (co-managed by a nest of Privy Councillors, and two co-architects of the North American Union as well as Diane Carney), and we reviewed the Privy Council purging of...