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Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Plutokratie und das Zeitalter Mammons

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 20-01-2025, (1) https://www.ftd.de/vermoegen/reichste-politiker-deutschland/(2) https://de.qz.com/trump-reiche-kabinett-milliardare-musk-lutnick-rfk-jr-1851722077/slides...  » Lees verder

Fassadenkratzer: Dramatisch zunehmende Armut durch hohe Mieten Doch die Ursache bleibt verborgen

Fassadenkratzer: 20-01-2025, Im Dezember 2024 gingen mal wieder Schlagzeilen durch die Mainstream-Medien, die auf das Problem der Wohnungsnot und die hohen Mieten hinwiesen. So titelte Bild: „Hohe Mieten treiben Millionen in die Armut.“ Eine neue Studie zeige, dass mehr als 17,5 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland nach Abzug von Miete und Nebenkosten ein Einkommen im Armutsbereich hätten. Viele Haushalte müssten mehr als ein...

Matthew Ehret: Real Patriots Don’t Think Like Hitler – Part 1

Matthew Ehret: 19-01-2025, A few months ago, my co-host on Breaking History Gordon McCormick and I dedicated an episode of Breaking History to the topic of ‘Real Patriots Don’t Think Like Hitler’.Some people may have been confused by our choice of title, since it should be common sense that no true patriot of any nation today would embrace Nazism.After all, aren’t there enough Nazis managing the Trans-Atlantic banking...

Movie of the Week: January 20, 2025: Nineteen Eighty-Four

“We once used to see ‘Big Brother Is Watching’ as some future dystopia. Well, we are living in it here and now.”~ UK resident commenting on Catherine’s talk at Hillsdale College on “The Danger of Digital Currencies”In 1954, the BBC’s Sunday Night Theatre televised a production of George Orwell’s famous 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. The BBC had purchased the television rights almost as soon as the novel was published.Although a British Film...

Music of the Week: January 17, 2025: P.I. Tchaikovsky – 1812 Overture

Tchaikovsky wrote the Ouverture solennelle “1812” for the opening of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, one of the most impressive Russian Orthodox churches in Moscow. Written in the form of a Battaglia, the musical depiction of a battle scene, it commemorates the historic victory of the Russian people over Napoleon’s invasion.The beginning is marked by a Russian Orthodox prayer termed Troparion of the Holy Cross—Oh Lord, save Thy people!—the...

The Case for Gold and Silver

“The U.S. dollar was the second-best performing currency over the past century, second only to the Swiss franc. The United States was the largest economy in the world throughout this period, and the dollar rose to become the world reserve currency during this time. And yet, holding U.S. government bonds during their time of ascent and dominance underperformed simply holding gold.”~ Lyn Alden, “Most Investments Are Actually Bad. Here’s Why.”By...

Matthew Ehret: CP Podcast: The Ugly Truths of Whitley Streiber and UFO-Demonology with Jasun Horsley

Matthew Ehret: 18-01-2025, This week, I was pleased to interview my friend Jasun Horsley on the topic of his book ‘Prisoner to Infinity’ which introduces one of the most profound psychological expositions to the UFO-Demonology psy op, the figure of Whitley Streiber as a both a victim and asset of a hive of religious engineers out to craft a new world religion blending morally opposed concepts of the sacred and the profane into a new...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Emmanuel Zeylmans van Emmichoven und die Weihnachtstagung

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 17-01-2025, (185) https://biografien.kulturimpuls.org(186) a,a.O.(187) a.a.O.(188) Zeylmans van Emmichoven, Emanuel (2004): Wer war Ita Wegman. Band 1, 20 f.(189) „Warum...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: A New RTF Symposium Starts: Saving the Republic (invitation and announcement)- Sunday Jan 19 at 2pm ET

Matthew Ehret: 17-01-2025, Last Sunday, Uwe Alschner delivered the RTF lecture on the topic of Leibniz’ Theodicy of the Best of All Possible Worlds featuring an extended introduction to Gottfried Leibniz, his political battles to create a new renaissance, and those oligarchist forces that sought to destroy his grand design during the early 18th century. That lecture can be watched here in full.This Sunday January 19 at 2pm Eastern Time,...

Matthew Ehret: Anouncement/Invitation #1: AIC Peace Roundtable Sunday Jan 19 at 11am ET

Matthew Ehret: 17-01-2025, This Sunday January 19 at 11am Eastern Time, I will be hosting Ray McGovern, Dr. Edward Lozansky (and a couple of other surprise guests) who will deliver their assessment of the potential and dangers going into the Trump 2.0 inauguration. Like usual, this Academy for International Cooperation event will include dialogue with the live audience, so get your thinking caps on and join in.Click here to watch the recording...

Matthew Ehret: Breaking History Ep. 79: Breaking Free of Scarcity with NAWAPA and New Discoveries

Matthew Ehret: 17-01-2025, In this week’s episode of Breaking History, Gordon and I talk about the human agency behind the devastating fires and floods striking the USA and Spain. While we don’t ignore the evidence of arson/eco-terrorism behind the California fires, I took the time to showcase the deeper criminal negligence that has resulted in a decayed national infrastructure and lack of serious remedies for water scarcity across...

Fassadenkratzer: Spahns Steuergeld-Vernichtung durch illegale Maskenbeschaffung ist noch weit höher als 10 Milliarden

Fassadenkratzer: 17-01-2025, In einer Untersuchung hatte Dr. Manfred Kölsch, Richter i. R., nachgewiesen, dass das von Jens Spahn geführte Bundesgesundheits-Ministerium durch die gigantische Maskenbeschaffung rechtswidrig und nach Ansicht des Bundesrechnungshofs „im Ergebnis ohne gesundheitspolitischen Nutzen“ Steuergelder in Höhe von ca. 10 Milliarden Euro vernichtet hat.1  Dr. Kölsch legt nun in einer...

Best Books for 2025

“Learning never exhausts the mind.”~ Leonardo da VinciBest Books for 2025—part of the 2024 Annual Wrap Up—is our selection of the best books to help you maintain a high learning metabolism and an accurate map of reality. In addition to books by outside authors, the list includes resources produced as part of our Solari Papers series or for our quarterly reports on primary trends, as well as books reviewed at Solari in 2024.Some of our favorites...

Matthew Ehret: Should Canada Become the 51st State?

Matthew Ehret: 16-01-2025, Is the proposed growth of the USA into a broader supra nation encapsulating Canada, Greenland and Central America a good thing or a bad thing? What are the historical dynamics of US efforts to take on Canada as a member of the union from 1776 until the 20th century? Is the enlarged US territory proposed by Donald Trump a reflection of legitimate nation building traditions to liberate Canada from the grip of the...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: Das Lebenswerk Rudolf Steiners

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 16-01-2025, 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“: https://info.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/freiheit/gratisyt 📢 Folge mir auch hier… Facebook:...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Instrumentenbauer, Tönemacher und Maler

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 15-01-2025, Es ist uns ein Herzensanliegen mit diesem Kanal dazu beizutragen, die Anthroposophie und das Werk von Rudolf Steiner bekannt zu machen. Mit unseren Videos wo...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: TheRedPillDiaries with Matt Ehret: The Cult of Elon , NATO, Zionism and other black magic

Matthew Ehret: 15-01-2025, In this episode of The Red Pill Diaries, Rasheed & I discuss the latest word news and the habit of the US & NATO/EU nations overstepping what is acceptable and how their willful overstepping red lines is leading the world down the slippery slope of all out war.A discussion on the breaking news around the world, especially Iranian retaliation against the Western Backed Israeli Zionist regimeA deep dive into the...

Fassadenkratzer: Sie haben das perfide Spiel mitgemacht Brief eines Arztes an die Krankenkasse

Fassadenkratzer: 15-01-2025, Der Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin Ralf Tillenburg führt eine Schwerpunktpraxis für die Behandlung von Impfschäden der Corona-“Impfung”. Er nahm wahr, dass die Techniker-Krankenkasse zunehmend Patienten von ihm unter Druck setzte, bestimmte Fachärzte aufzusuchen oder bestimmte Medikamente zu fordern. Ihm hielt die Techniker-Krankenkasse insbesondere vor, dass er das Ersetzen von...

e-zine van Via Libra, nr. 223 – 13 januari 2025

e-zine van Via Libra, nr. 223 - 13 januari 2025 Onderwerp: e-zine van Via Libra, nr. 223 - 13 januari 2025 Van: "info@via-libra.be" <info@via-libra.be> Datum: 13-01-2025 09:21 Via Libra Nieuwsbrief nr. 223 – 13 januari 2025 Beste lezer, Moge 2025 een jaar Van wereldwijd verzet Worden ten gunste Van vrede, begrip en Samenwerking W. Govaerts Rijke boekenoogst in 2024 bij Via Libra In 2024 verschenen maar liefst zes nieuwe titels bij Via...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Die Feinde der Gesellschaft: Dogmatik und Sektierertum

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 14-01-2025, (173) Rudolf Steiner (1987): Die Konstitution. GA 260 a. S. 31(174) a.aO., S. 32(175) Rudolf Steiner (1994): Die Weihnachtstagung. GA 260. S. 118(176) Rudolf...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Creative Solutions to the North American Water Crisis: The Case of NAWAPA Revived

Matthew Ehret: 14-01-2025, Currently, the USA faces a variety of existential crises – from deadly fires across Los Angeles (amplified by empty reservoirs leaving firemen with empty fire hydrants), to food shortages, and other drought conditions. Some of these disasters can be considered the effect of natural forces, but many of these are man-made- meaning they were caused by human neglect or perhaps in some cases, nefarious intentions,...

Hero of the Week: January 13, 2025: Jennifer Walters

“When one door closes another door opens.”~ Alexander Graham BellThis week, we have drawn from the ranks of the Solari team to select our Hero of the Week, Jennifer Walters, BSN-RN, PHN, MFA—host of Solari’s Health Series.When Solari’s Wellness Series host moved on to other pursuits in 2021, it did not take long for Catherine to invite Jennifer to launch the Health Series. Jennifer, at the time an active Solari subscriber, had attracted...

Action of the Week: January 13, 2025: Fight Financial Transaction Control to Protect Children

“Perhaps the hardest thing to imagine about the secret life of the cryptocracy is that it isn’t a subculture at all: it’s a superculture. It’s an underworld that rules over each and every one of us, and trying to see it is like trying to imagine a fifth dimension from the perspective of a fourth. Yet we also belong to this parallel world and it has always been there, acting on us in ways both invisible and oppressive—oppressive most of all...

Fassadenkratzer: Das herrschende Faustrecht des Stärkeren und seine absolute Rechtsverachtung (2)

Fassadenkratzer: 13-01-2025, Im 2. Teil des Vortrages von Prof. Mausfeld behandelt er die gegenwärtige Haltung insbesondere der Weltmacht USA und ihrer Verbündeten und Vasallen gegenüber dem offiziell geltenden Völkerrecht, ihre absolute Rechtsverachtung, die sich zu einem regelrechten Nihilismus, der Verneinung jeglichen Völkerrechts steigert. Er legt einen erschreckenden permanenten Rückfall in das...

Matthew Ehret: Counter-gang von Hayek Revives Mandevilles Hellfire Club in the 20th Century

Matthew Ehret: 12-01-2025, In Book 8 of The Republic, Plato’s protagonist Socrates observes astutely that “the ruin of oligarchy is the ruin of democracy. The same disease magnified and intensified by liberty overmasters democracy- the truth being that the excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction and this is the case not only in the seasons and in vegetable and animal life, but above all in...

Movie of the Week: January 13, 2025: CBDC: The End of Money

“Aadhaar [India’s national biometric ID] has been credited as causing half of the reported starvation deaths in India since 2015, due to people not being able to receive government assistance unless they had a functioning Aadhaar number. So much for ‘helping the poor.’”~ James Patrick, description of CBDC: The End of MoneyIn 2021, filmmaker James Patrick conducted a blockbuster interview with Catherine that explained “Covid” as a global coup...

Music of the Week: January 10, 2025: Jack DesBois – Waking Up

Jack DesBois is a subscriber, and we love his music!Jack is a multitalented singer, actor, music and performing arts teacher, and someone who believes in the value of true education. He was brought up in a family and household filled with books and classical education, with a spirit that was kindled and kept aflame, it seems, by his mother who started to read to Jack and his siblings from an early age to beyond the time they were able to read...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Der Streit über die Gestaltung der Gesellschaft

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 11-01-2025, (156) Rudolf Steiner (1994): Die Weihnachtstagung… GA 260, S. 115(157) Hiebel Friedrich (1986): Entwicklungszeit. S. 232(158) a.a.O., (159) a.a.O. S. 233(160...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Breaking Wall Street: How it was Done 90 years ago and how to do it again

Matthew Ehret: 11-01-2025, In this episode of ‘The Fearless Podcast’ I was asked to describe the techniques used by Franklin Roosevelt, and President Lincoln, McKinley and Harding earlier, to combat the deep state. An extended overview of the New Deal, Glass Steagall, the Pecora Commission, and Reconstruction Finance Corporation were laid out with a look to our current systemic breakdown.Or watch on Rumble here, or Soundcloud...

Matthew Ehret: Invitation: Leibniz’s Theodicy of the Best of All Worlds- How it Originated and What the Oligarchy did to Fight it (Jan 12 at 2pm ET)

Matthew Ehret: 11-01-2025, This Sunday’s Rising Tide Foundation presentation will shed light on the figure of Gottfried Leibniz (philosopher-scientist-statesman) as a cultural warrior of the 18th century who’s discoveries in science and epistemology provide the gateway to many of the solutions plaguing humanity today. The plots, intrigues and the conspiracies of the oligarchy to thwart Leibniz’s work will also be...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Okkulte Hintergründe des Infernos von LA und Naturkatastrophen

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 10-01-2025, 1. (Lit.: GA 107, S. 177ff)2. (GA 94, S. 182f)3. (GA 94, S. 108 ff)4. (GA 94, S. 182f)Es ist uns ein Herzensanliegen mit diesem Kanal dazu beizutragen, die A...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Breaking History Ep 78: Trudeau out and Canada in Turmoil

Matthew Ehret: 10-01-2025, In this week’s episode of Breaking History, Gordon and I discussed the shady underpinnings of Justin Trudeau’s announced departure (at some point near the end of March), what the prorogation of parliament means, the dangers of current Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, and Mark Carney, the origins of ‘The Divine Right of Kings’, and the absurdity of hereditary systems of power and parliamentary...

Fassadenkratzer: Prof. Mausfeld: Der totale Zivilisationsbruch des Krieges und der Weg zur Friedenssicherung

Fassadenkratzer: 10-01-2025, Kriege sind in der Zivilisationsentwicklung der Menschheit ständige Einbrüche brutaler Zerfleischung auf die Ebene des Tieres und noch darunter. Prof. Rainer Mausfeld geht in seinem Vortrag vom 21.11.2024 den Ursachen nach und entwickelt auf eindrucksvolle Weise, wie in der Entwicklung des inner- und außerstaatlichen Rechts ein Schutz entstanden ist, der nur noch durch die Durchführung der...

Food for the Soul: The Year in Art

Araki Jippo. Birds and Flowers of the Four Seasons, 1917. Color on silk scrolls. Photo: Wikimedia CommonsBy Nina Heyn – Your Culture ScoutThroughout the year we celebrate various holidays—some religious, others cultural or connected to historical events. I thought it might be fun to find art that would illustrate those calendar milestones. In some cases, I have researched artworks that are not well known because they are not on display, even if...

2024 Hero of the Year: Congressman Thomas Massie

“Got to be in it to win it.”~ Old street sayingBy Catherine Austin FittsU.S. Representative Thomas Massie has been “in it to win it” since entering Congress in November 2012 to represent Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District. For his fearlessness about diving into the middle of the DC “swamp” and rolling up his sleeves to get things done, we have chosen him as Solari’s 2024 Hero of the Year.There are many reasons to admire and celebrate...

Matthew Ehret: Keynes Sleight of Hand: From Fabian Eugenicist to World Government High Priest

Matthew Ehret: 09-01-2025, It is as if the battle lines of civil war have been drawn up between masses of Americans who have been led to believe in either a false “bottom up” approach to economics, as defined by the Austrian School represented by Friedrich von Hayek, or in the “top-down” approach of John Maynard Keynes. The former sacrifices the general welfare of the whole nation for the sake of the parts (i.e....

Fassadenkratzer: Verheimlicht, vertuscht, vergessen Jahresrückblick mit Gerhard Wisnewski

Fassadenkratzer: 08-01-2025, Seit 18 Jahren veröffentlicht der freie investigative Journalist Gerhard Wisnewski ein Jahrbuch unter dem Titel „Verheimlicht, vertuscht, vergessen – was nicht in der Zeitung stand“, in dem er bekannte und unbekannte Dinge aus dem abgelaufenen Jahr so aufarbeitet, wie sie vom Mainstream nicht behandelt wurden. Gerhard Wisnewski ist in der alternativen journalistischen Szene eine gewichtige...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Rudolf Steiner fordert: Sei ein Repräsentant der gemeinsamen Sache.

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 07-01-2025, (142) Poeppig Fred (1964): Rückblick. S. 68(143) Der Orient im Lichte…, 9. Vortrag(144) a.a.O., S. 69(145) Rudolf Steiner (1987): Die Konstitution… GA 260 a,...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Trudeau Flushing and the North American Union. A Word of Caution

Matthew Ehret: 07-01-2025, Back in November 2012, I wrote a short article titled ‘What does the Empire have planned for Poor Justin Trudeau?’ which was published in the second issue of The Canadian Patriot Review (p.29).In that location, I pointed to the Bilderberg Group, Powercorp, WWF influences managing the cardboard cutout named Justin Trudeau who had been introduced into the House of Commons as a political puppet which would...

Fassadenkratzer: Last Euch nicht den Mund verbieten!

Fassadenkratzer: 07-01-2025, Der Schauspieler und Kabarettist Uwe Heinz Steimle (* 20. Juni 1963 in Dresden) nimmt mit einem schönen Gedicht, in unverkennbarem sächsischen Akzent, die sich ausbreitende Sprachpolizei auf´s Korn, Teil der immer mehr anschwellenden Zensur und des allgemeinen Kampfes gegen das fundamentale demokratische Grundrecht der Meinungsfreiheit. Sein Video wurde zwar bereits am 26. Februar 2024...

Matthew Ehret: How an Austrian and British Malthusian Brainwashed a Generation of Americans

Matthew Ehret: 06-01-2025, The creation of false opposites has been a long-standing obstacle to human progress.From the ancient pleasure-seeking Epicureans who argued against the logic-heavy Stoics of ancient Rome to the war of “salvation through faith vs works” that schismed western Christianity, to the chaotic emotional energy driving the Jacobin mobs of France whose passions were only matched by the radical Cartesian logic of...

Matthew Ehret: Haiti & Geopolitics: Biden Recap & What to Expect from Trump part 2

Matthew Ehret: 06-01-2025, In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I join Sendra Dorce to discuss Haiti’s historical and modern geopolitical challenges, a critical recap of Biden's foreign policy over the last four years, and predictions of what the next four years might look like under Trump.The legacy of leaders like Toussaint Louverture and their influence on today's global politics.Or watch on Odyssee here, Bitchute here, Youtube here or...

Action of the Week: January 6, 2025: Educate Your State Legislators about the Bitcoin Op

“[I]t’s one thing to think that gold has some marvelous store [of] value because man has no way of inventing more gold or getting it very easily…. Believe me, man is capable of somehow creating more Bitcoin. They tell you they’re not going to do it, but they mean they’re not gonna do it unless they want to…. If they tell you there are rules that they can’t do it, don’t believe them. When there’s enough incentive, bad things will happen.”~...

Movie of the Week: January 6, 2024: Yellowstone, Season 5, Part 2

“We measure every decision against what is good for the ranch.”~ John Dutton, YellowstoneFive years ago, Catherine selected Yellowstone as Solari’s 2019 Movie of the Year, praising the series (at the time, just two seasons in) for its “remarkable insights regarding the nature of American land and resource wars” and its realistic portrayal of a variety of deep state tactics, ranging from lawfare to physical violence.These themes remain prominent...

Template Letter to State Legislators Re: Proposed State-Level “Bitcoin Strategic Reserve”

[TAXPAYER NAME][TAXPAYER ADDRESS][TAXPAYER EMAIL ADDRESS][TAXPAYER TELEPHONE NUMBER][Date]Re: Proposed State-Level “Bitcoin Strategic Reserve”Dear [Representative/Senator NAME],In this time of transition, both at the national level and in state legislatures, I am writing to call your attention to the vital importance of opposing the creation of state-level Bitcoin reserves, using the tax authority of our government.As you may be aware, there is...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Warum Rudolf Steiner einen Doppelvorstand wünschte

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 05-01-2025, Tagung:https://www.schloss-hohenfels.de/2024/10/03/frieden-100-todestag-rudolf-steiner/(122) Rudolf Steiner (1987): Die Konstitution…, GA 260a, S. 124(123) a...  » Lees verder

Matthew Ehret: Invitation: Game~B building the Noosphere with Courtenay Turner (Jan 5 at 2pm ET)

Matthew Ehret: 04-01-2025, This Sunday January 5 at 2pm ET, Courtenay Turner will deliver an RTF lecture on the topic of the transhumanist/Silicon Valley agenda to re-wire human civilization following a program called ‘Game B’. Access this live lecture by clicking the Zoom link below:This post is for paid subscribers  » Lees verder

Music of the Week: January 3, 2025: Camille Saint-Saëns – Symphony No. 3 (Finale)

We are opening the new year with a grand piece from the reopening concert of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris under star conductor Gustavo Dudamel.Dudamel guides the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France and Notre Dame’s titular organist Olivier Latry to a breathtaking performance, while the innate acoustics and powerful reverb of the enormous building appear almost like a “second orchestra” that the maestro captures and incorporates...

Fassadenkratzer: Nicht Vertrauen in die Regierung, ihre Kontrolle ist Demokratie

Fassadenkratzer: 03-01-2025, In wachsendem Maße macht sich von den parteipolitischen Vertretern des Staates die Behauptung geltend, Vertrauen in den Staat sei die Grundvoraussetzung für das Funktionieren demokratisch legitimierter staatlicher Institutionen. So spricht der Verfassungsschutz schon bei fundamentaler Kritik am Handeln staatlicher Funktionsträger von einer angeblich verfassungsfeindlichen „De-Legitimierung des...

Matthew Ehret: Breaking History Ep. 77: The Historic Fight for a Continental Republic

Matthew Ehret: 02-01-2025, Donald Trump has put out repeated messaging that America’s borders should grow far beyond the current 50 states to include Canada, Greenland and territories stretching as far south as the Darian Gap. Is this a good thing or is it another phase of iniquitous imperialism? In this first episode of Breaking History of 2025, I decided to review the history of US-Canada relations over 250 years, and the earlier...

Hero of the Week: December 30, 2024: Barrie M. Schwortz

Barrie M. Schwortz in 1978By Ulrike GranöggerGrowing up in a conservative Jewish family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Barrie M. Schwortz (1946-2024) was an unlikely candidate to become the most influential proponent of the plausible authenticity of the Shroud of Turin as the actual burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth. And yet, it is due to his open-mindedness, scientific curiosity, photographic artistry, and infectiously positive personality that...

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 2025: Jahr der Transformation zur Freiheit

Akademie-Zukunft-Mensch: 31-12-2024, Hier kannst du den Vortragstext kostenlos herunterladen: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/wp-content/uploads/Vortrag-Neujahr-2025.pdf 🎁 Melde Dich hier kostenlos für den Newsletter an und erhalte ein Geschenk: https://shop.akademie-zukunft-mensch.com/newsletter-yt 💝 Gratis Geschenk für Dich. Erhalte ein kostenfreies Modul des Heimlehrgangs „Freiheit“:...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Das Mysterium des Brandes des Goetheanums

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 31-12-2024, Musik: Es Wird Wieder Gut · Weltenwandler · Simon Daum(252) Birnthaler Michael (2018): Weltenwandler. Der Brand des Goetheanums. S. 35(253) a.a.O., S. 36(254...  » Lees verder

Fassadenkratzer: Die Meinungsfreiheit weltweit am dunklen Scheideweg Julian Assange vor dem Europarat

Fassadenkratzer: 30-12-2024, Julian Assange konnte am 1. Oktober 2024 vor der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates (PACE) über seine Inhaftierung, Verurteilung und verheerende Missachtung der Menschenrechte sprechen, worüber anschließend eine umfassende Plenardebatte stattfand. In seinem ersten öffentlichen Auftritt seit seiner Entlassung aus dem Belmarsh-Gefängnis in Großbritannien sagte er: „Ich...

Transitieweb: Beweging / movement Archives

Transitieweb: 29-12-2024, Volg: Partners Bij mijn wetenVier realisaties die onze wereld een ander aanzien kunnen geven Recente reacties Margie zegt: Nothing happens by accident... SmartLA 2028: Technology for a better Los... Fred Teunissen zegt: Inderdaad, in Portugal is ook zoiets gebeurd. En onder meer ook... Speurneusje zegt: Ik zie op dit filmpje tussen 4,32 minuten en 4,34 minuten... Karin zegt: M'n gevoel zegt me dat dit gecontroleerd is...

Matthew Ehret: Why America Needs to Break Wall Street’s Kneecaps

Matthew Ehret: 29-12-2024, It is more than a little depressing to consider the impending systemic meltdown that immanently presses upon our current world.Since the 1971 floating of the U.S. dollar, a once proud and productive western industrial economic system has been increasingly asset stripped by bank deregulation, outsourcing, cheap labor and monetarism into a cult of post industrialism, which has wrecked moral and economic havoc upon the...

Action of the Week: December 30, 2024: New Year’s Resolutions for a Free and Inspired Life

“There are costs and risks to a program of action, but they are far less than the long range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.”~ John F. KennedyIn 2025, there is little doubt that we will need “all hands on deck” to stop the control grid, and that means being at the top of your game physically and mentally. As you formulate your New Year’s resolutions, think about what you will do in the coming year to push back against the central...

BITCOIN BAILOUT: Why a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Is a Bailout of the Big Boys

“How the hell do you know that it’s going to stop at 21 [million.] I’ve never met one person who told me that they know for a fact.” ~ Jamie Dimon at the World Economic Forum in DavosBy Catherine Austin FittsTable of Contents1. What Is Bitcoin?2. How Many Americans Own Bitcoin?3. How Many Bitcoin Can Be Created?4. Who Maintains the Bitcoin Blockchain?5. Who Owns Bitcoin?6. How Has Bitcoin Been Marketed?7. Who Is Proposing the Creation of...

Movie of the Week: December 30, 2024: An Affair to Remember

“Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.”~ “Terry” in An Affair to RememberAs we usher in the new year, our movie recommendation is An Affair to Remember, the classic 1957 romance starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. The film was director Leo McCarey’s reinvention of his own 1939 surprise hit Love Affair (with Charles Boyer and Irene Dunne). Many consider the 1957 version one of Hollywood’s best love stories and best shipboard...

Matthew Ehret: RTF invitation: The Kingly Way of Alexander Nevsky’s children (Dec 29 at 2pm ET)

Matthew Ehret: 28-12-2024, Last week, I had the great pleasure of hosting Gerald Therrien who delivered an incredible lecture called ‘The Chronicles of Novgorod’. This Sunday December 29 at 2pm ET, Dr. Quan Le will carry this story forward with a presentation on the early years of Russia, the formation of Russia’s intelligentsia and also the relationship between Kieven Rus and other cultural groups in Asia, Southwest Asia and...

Music of the Week: December 27, 2024: George Frideric Handel – For unto us a child is born (Messiah)

Some say that the music of Händel’s Messiah helped to revive interest in Christmas. By the early 19th century, Christmas had become a neglected holiday that was hardly celebrated. It was the Victorian period that elevated its festive character to what we know today. Queen Victoria’s German-born husband Prince Albert introduced the Christmas tree to the royal court, and by the end of the century, Christmas had become the biggest celebration of...

Food for the Soul: Adoration of the Shepherds

Domenico Ghirlandaio. The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1483-1485. Oil on panel. Basilica Santa Trinita, Florence. Photo: Wikimedia CommonsBy Nina Heyn – Your Culture ScoutIn Christian iconography, the joy of the birth of Jesus is often celebrated in a theme of “Journey of the Magi” but also as “Adoration of the Shepherds.” While the “Magi” images allowed artists and their affluent patrons to show off the splendor of decoration, using gold-ground...

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: Das Herz der modernen Mysterienschule

Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie: 27-12-2024, (118) Rudolf Steiner (1982): Mein Lebensgang. GA 28. S. 338(119) Rudolf Steiner (1987): Die Konstitution. GA 260 a. S. 107 f.(120) a.a.O., S. 108(121) a.a.O....  » Lees verder