Global Research: 25-08-2024,
Outstanding analysis first published on June 14, 2011.
Read Part I and II:
The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families
By Dean Henderson, May 06, 2023
History: The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild
By Dean Henderson, April 15, 2023
According to former British intelligence agent John Coleman’s book, The Committee of 300, the Rothschilds exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and South African industrialist Cecil Rhodes. The Rhodes Scholarship is granted by Oxford University, while oil industry propagandist Cambridge Energy Research Associates operates out of the Rhodes-supported Cambridge University.
Rhodes founded De Beers and Standard Chartered Bank. According to Gary Allen’s expose, The Rockefeller Files, Milner financed the Russian Bolsheviks on Rothschild’s behalf, with help from Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg.
In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour penned a letter to Zionist Second Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed support for a Jewish homeland on Palestinian-controlled lands in the Middle East. [1]
The Balfour Declaration justified the brutal seizure of Palestinian lands for the post-WWII establishment of Israel. Israel would serve, not as some high-minded “Jewish homeland”,