Global Research: 24-08-2024,

The Kremlin has an amazing inability to confront reality. Peter Koenig explains that NATO has now invaded Russia by entering Kursk, and the Kremlin still pretends it is involved in a limited border conflict with Ukraine in Donbas. Indeed, the Kremlin is so far removed from reality that Russia’s leaders were incapable of imagining a NATO-led and equipped force would cross into Russia herself that the Kursk region was left entirely unprotected.

This humiliation Russia is suffering is the direct consequence of the mindless way the Kremlin has conducted the conflict with Ukraine.

The West has made it clear from the beginning in 2014–a decade ago–when Washington overthrew the elected Ukrainian government and installed a neo-nazi puppet that the West was at war with Russia.

One might have thought that the Kremlin would have recognized it was confronted by an aggressive Western enemy.

Instead the Kremlin wasted eight years pleading for the Minsk Agreement and for a mutual security agreement with the West, while the West built and equipped an army for Ukraine.

The Kremlin was finally forced into action, for which it was not prepared militarily, when the Ukrainian army was about to attack the two breakaway republics in Donbas and massacre the Russian population.

The Russian belated intervention was so weak and so limited that it surprised everyone.

The Kremlin stressed that its intent was limited to Donbas and was not an invasion of Ukraine.

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