Global Research: 16-01-2025,
In response to the re-emergence of the “barrel bomb”, below is an article I prepared earlier in 2017. Since October 7th, the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza has been using barrel bombs against the genocidal Zionist forces.
In 1964, the US began “Operation Barrell Roll” between 1964-1973, the US dropped around 2.5 million tons of ordnance on Laos during 580,000 bombing sorties – equal to a plane load of bombs every eight minutes 24 hours a day for 9 years.
Anyway I digress, here is the article.
SYRIA: Consign “Barrel Bombs” to the Propaganda Graveyard
Every time one of these barrels strikes, it is the seismological equivalent of a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, and it happens around 50 times a day. (In Syria)You can’t dial 911. You can’t dial the fire service. You can’t call the local police department. They don’t exist.” ~ James Le Mesurier, British ex-military trainer of the NATO-state, multi-million-dollar-funded White Helmets, based in Gaziantep, Turkey.
In an interview with CNN in May 2015, this is the claim made by British mercenary trainer of the White Helmets to Dr Sanjay Gupta. Again, in June 2015, Le Mesurier made a similar claim to an audience during a speech at The Performance Theatre, Lisbon entitled very grandly, “Act 1: Witnesses to history in the making”.
On the front page of the fraudulently named Syria Civil Defence aka the NATO state sponsored,