To make our civilization last for another 100 or even 1000 years, a very thorough reevaluation of the systems that currently drive us is pivotal.”
~ Elze van Hamelen

Our Hero this week is Elze van Hamelen, the brilliant New Media ally who has made many powerful contributions to the Solari Report over the past several years. This year, Elze will conduct a series of Omniwar-related interviews for Solari that promise to be equally ground-breaking and insightful.

Hallmarks of Elze’s work at Solari and at Dutch media outlets (the online and print newspaper De Andere Krant and the citizen media platform Cafe Weltschmerz) are her integrity, cross-disciplinary curiosity, and ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. As Catherine put it when she interviewed Elze about the New Media in fall 2021, this amounts to a “remarkable ability to integrate intelligence from different worlds and disciplines and sort out what is real intelligence, who and what is useful, and who and what is not.”

Elze’s two blockbuster reports on Dutch Farmers and Fishermen and Pharma Food were fundamental in helping Solari subscribers understand how Mr. Global’s sinister agenda to control food and land connects to a broader—and long-planned—control agenda. At Solari, Elze also has tackled critical topics such as energy, space, bioengineering, and mind control.

The Blog page on Elze’s website displays mastery of an even wider range of topics, encompassing current geopolitical events and the global power structure as well as topics such as human rights, medical ethics, “sustainability” rhetoric, censorship, invisible weaponry, cognitive warfare, and trauma.

A leadership expert describes Elze’s many talents this way:

“Elze is wonderfully brilliant. From brainstorming ideas to tactical execution, she delivers only the highest quality of work. She brings a lot of expertise and dives deeply into new topics and quickly masters them. She’s also a delight to work with. Working with her raised my standards for what is possible for a team to achieve.”

We could not have said it better ourselves—and we wholeheartedly agree.


Van Hamelen (Elze’s website)

Koers2030 | De Grote Verbouwing (“The Great Remaking”) (Substack)

De Andere Krant

The new book from De Andere Krant: De Grote Verbouwing van Nederland (“The Great Remaking of the Netherlands”) by Elze van Hamelen

Het Windmolendrama (“The Wind Energy Disaster”) (investigative report by Elze for Clintel)

Solari Report interviews (Catherine and Elze):

Industrial Wind Turbines: Renewable Energy or Stealth Weapons in the Omniwar? with Elze van Hamelen

2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen with Elze van Hamelen

2022 Annual Wrap Up: Pharma Food with Elze van Hamelen

Special Solari Report: The Space Race with Elze van Hamelen

The New Media with Elze van Hamelen

2030 Backcasting with Catherine and Solari Series Hosts and Allies

Solari Report interviews (Elze and selected guests):

Global Bioengineering: A History of Blood Clotting with Clifford Carnicom

Soft Mind Control: More than 100 Years of Propaganda with Michelle Stiles

Book Review: One Idea to Rule Them All by Michelle Stiles

2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen with Peke Wouda

2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen with Jurie Post

2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen with Jeroen van Maanen

Elze’s reports for Solari:

2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen – PDF Now Available!

2022 Annual Wrap Up: Pharma Food PDF Now Available!

views: 354
