Matthew Ehret: 19-08-2024,

The following is the sixth and final part of a series. Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, Part 3 is here, Part 4 is here and Part 5 is here.

At the very start of this series exploring black magic ritual underlying the murders at Whitechapel in 1888, we established the startling fact that the bodies of the five ‘canon’ Ripper victims were positioned according to the the geometry of the Vesica Piscis.

In part 13 of this series, it was established that the feature of the Vesica Piscis appears widely across sacred art, and architecture of cultures of both the west and east.

The symbolism derived from the Vesica Piscis has been used to showcase at different times, the vaginal womb, at other times, the fish (itself a symbol for the age of Pisces and Jesus), while at other times a metaphor for all dualisms or for the conjunction of heaven and earth while at other times a symbol for the cross (meaning sacrifice and reconciliation). One may even recognize the construction of Opus Dei emblem within the Vesica Piscis (pictured bottom right).

It is worth pointing out that the Vesica Piscis is also embedded in the angles forming the famous icon of freemasonry. Some might say that this at least is a sign of its evil… or is it?

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