Matthew Ehret: 26-08-2024,

In my recent film ‘The Arctic: Platform for War or Global Cooperation’, I outlined the fact that in the early hours of September 26, 2020, President Trump sent out the announcement that a gigantic continental project long thought dead and buried will be revived: The 2570 km Alaska Canada Rail connection, which will move freight, oil, grains and other goods from Anchorage to the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Northern Alberta.

In his tweet, Trump stated:

For those who are not aware, anyone wishing to take rail from the USA north, will only make it as far as British Columbia, as a 1000 km gap separates any rail from Alaska.

When looking at the post-WWII battles for continental development, it is somewhat incredible that this gap has remained in place for decades, with the northernmost rail line extending as far as Dease Lake BC, built over 50 years ago by the great pro-development Premier W.A.C. Bennett.

For decades the Dease Lake line was called “the railway to nowhere,” and featured a price tag of only one dollar, which in fact is today only a relic of a sabotaged northern vision, which was always designed to connect Canada and the USA, while opening up the north for development.

From 1952- 1972, British Columbia’s great Premier W.A.C. Bennett fought a hard fought battle to ensure that British Columbia would finally become more than a colonial underdeveloped region,

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