Stop World Control: 24-08-2024,
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be appointed by Donald J. Trump to end all corruption in the FDA, CDC and other three letter agencies, stop all poisoning of humanity, and usher in a new era of healing and restoration for all.
Dear friends,
two days ago I was suddenly overwhelmed with a strong sense that something fantastic was about to happen. I had no idea what it was. But the feeling was so strong that I posted on X:
‘Something fantastic will happen in our world soon. Don’t despair. God is so much greater. We will see amazing things.’
Little did I know that indeed the next day the firmament and foundation of Earth would be severely shaken by the announcement of the best news in a long time.
The hero for truth, health, justice and a better world, who has been fighting the deep state and cabal for decades, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has joined forces with Donald J. Trump, so together they can be even more effective in ending the extreme corruption in America and start the creation of a new world.
The announcement of RFK Jr at the Trump rally in Arizona happened with a display of fireworks and the song booming through the speakers ‘Here comes my hero!’ It is clear this is a move they have been preparing for a long time.