RT-Engels: 21-01-2025,

The newly-inaugurated president is serious about bringing back the glory days and risks leaving Washington’s allies in the dust

It’s shock and awe time for Uncle Sam’s allies in the clown car who have mindlessly gone along for the ride. 

Not only is freshly re-minted US President Donald Trump reversing course at breakneck speed but, if his newly declared priorities are any indication, he seems to be headed, pedal to the metal, all the way back to the 80s. 

One has to look back about 40 years to find a “simpler” time in Western society. Life was straightforward. You worked, earned a commensurate livable wage, and focused on your life and that of your family. Period. You didn’t have to dedicate bandwidth to navigating lunacy like which pronouns you should be using when you meet someone. Or whether to chop off your kid’s junk before the school demands it for his mental health and suggests you be re-educated if you object. Or whether your neighborhood soon risked looking like it was transplanted, in toto, from a foreign country. Or whether there was stuff hidden inside your food that would only make its presence known once it had latched onto your inexplicably ever-widening backside.

You knew about the foreign wars, and that they were a boon to the military industrial complex, but you didn’t get the impression that the country that was being invaded was like a foster child, commanding so many resources and attention that they were considered a big reason why your own life sucked.

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